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 English Memorial Inscriptions
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Index to English monumental inscriptions relating to Europeans who lived or served in South Asia
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India-related memorial inscriptions in England and Wales
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Displaying 3451 to 3500 of 7297 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  Forename(s)   Date of death Click to sort by Date of death  Place name Click to sort by Place name 
click to view detail Jones J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Head J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Private J. 1879/80 Shrewsbury
click to view detail Davies J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Clarke J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Upton J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Hill J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Knight J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Myers J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Dyer J. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Steele J. 1857 Ken & Chelsea
click to view detail Paul J. Edward 1928 Great Malvern
click to view detail Maitland J.? 1857 Northampton
click to view detail Rowlandson J.Alfred 1869 Croydon
click to view detail Knight J.C. 1802 Loders
click to view detail Fitzpatrick J.F. 1904 Cheltenham
click to view detail Field J.F. 1842 Norwich
click to view detail Scott J.G. 1833 Winkfield
click to view detail Scott J.G. 1903 Winkfield
click to view detail Wilde J.H. 1886-1888 Brecon
click to view detail Renny J.J.O`D. 1879 Ken & Chelsea
click to view detail Govan* J.Lorne 1900 Norwich
click to view detail Walker J.N. 1932 Leckhampton
click to view detail Ripley J.P. ? Lambeth
click to view detail Theobald J.P.A. 1872 Nunney
click to view detail Craigie J.R.   Southam Delabere
click to view detail Macpherson J.R. 1861 Cheltenham
click to view detail Cumming J.S 1842 Norwich
click to view detail Barwise J.S. 1844 Lambeth
click to view detail Harmiston J.T. 1876 Ewerby
click to view detail Renny J.W. 1855 Colne
click to view detail Rye Jabez Earnest 1884 Brisley
click to view detail Potts Jack (son) 1893 Southend-On-Sea
click to view detail Zillwood Jack (son) 1947 Rayleigh
click to view detail Battine James 1855 Croydon
click to view detail Edwards James 1832 E.Portlemouth
click to view detail Inst(R)Ell James 1892 Southampton
click to view detail Pattle James 1845 Southwark
click to view detail Rickett James 1884 Croydon
click to view detail Robert James 1836 Winwick
click to view detail Peile James 1896 Hanwell
click to view detail Davidson James 1874 Cheltenham
click to view detail Capper James 1776 Bath
click to view detail Woolridge James 1915 Benhilton
click to view detail Clare James ? Beaminster
click to view detail Winter James 1929 Southend-On-Sea
click to view detail Pringle James 1810 Bath
click to view detail Wetherill James 1892 Dent
click to view detail Weldon James 1905 Blyth
click to view detail Dickson James 1904 Bath
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