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 English Memorial Inscriptions
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Index to English monumental inscriptions relating to Europeans who lived or served in South Asia
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India-related memorial inscriptions in England and Wales
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Displaying 3101 to 3150 of 7297 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  Forename(s)   Date of death Click to sort by Date of death  Place name Click to sort by Place name 
click to view detail Holford Harry Price 1905 Wickham
click to view detail Obbard Harry Smith 1891 Leckhampton
click to view detail Ross Harry Thornton 1914 Hove
click to view detail Oddin-Taylor Harry W. CIE CBE 1967 Garboldisham
click to view detail Rich Harvey Pye 1815 St Albans
click to view detail Read Hastings 1928 Leckhampton
click to view detail Cafe Haydn Lloyd ? Ken & Chelsea
click to view detail Loch Hazel 1920 Empshott
click to view detail Lloyd Williams Heaton MD 1862 Henllan
click to view detail Bethune Hector 1904 Shirley
click to view detail Corbyn Hector (son) 1909 Leckhampton
click to view detail Cameron Hector Lovett 1877 Cheltenham
click to view detail Bulkeley Helen 1843 Lewisham
click to view detail Williams Helen 1896 Southampton
click to view detail Johnson Helen ? Hucclecote
click to view detail Wetherell Helen (wid) 1875 Leamington Spa
click to view detail Cruickshank Helen (wife) 1851 Hove
click to view detail Chitty Helen Alves 1884 Arnos Vale
click to view detail Miller Helen Boya & daughter 1951 Hanwell
click to view detail Oakes Helen Caroline 1892 Bath
click to view detail Colvin Helen Catherine 1910 Ken & Chelsea
click to view detail Fellowes Helen Elizabeth 1875 Warblington
click to view detail Sinclair Helen Elizabeth (1st wife) 1842 Pulborough
click to view detail Fagan Helen G.(widow) 1920 Croydon
click to view detail Ross Helen Gertrude 1954 Wimbledon
click to view detail Jervoise Helen Jane 1872 Hove
click to view detail Maitland Helen L.Maxwell 1880 Bath
click to view detail Tuke Helen Mary 1886 Leckhampton
click to view detail Paul Helen Mary wid 1930 Great Malvern
click to view detail Weldon Helen R. Louisa (wid) 1931 Blyth
click to view detail Ross Helen Sophia (widow) 1929 Wimbledon
click to view detail Randall Helen/Bulkeley (dau) 1843 Lewisham
click to view detail Bennett Helena 1854 Horsham
click to view detail Reid Helena Catherine 1897 Cheltenham
click to view detail Lloyd Helena Louise 1932 Wokingham
click to view detail Brownrigg Hemry 1780 Milford-On-Sea
click to view detail Bernard Henrietta 1892 Arnos Vale
click to view detail Rivett-Carnac Henrietta 1837 Westminster
click to view detail Foote Henrietta 1907 Lewisham
click to view detail Peach Henrietta 1838 Westminster
click to view detail Hogg Henrietta 1928 Cheltenham
click to view detail O`Donnell Henrietta 1883 Compton
click to view detail Barlow Henrietta (dau) 1842 Bath
click to view detail Bird Henrietta (dau) 1912 Southborough
click to view detail Protheroe Henrietta (Foote/Clarke) 1907 Lewisham
click to view detail Lloyd Henrietta Alice 1966 Wokingham
click to view detail Clarke Henrietta Annie/Gartside 1931 Wandsworth
click to view detail Shawe Henrietta Augusta (dau) 1872 Cheltenham
click to view detail Lloyd Henrietta Elizabeth Mary 1935 Wokingham
click to view detail Aplin Henrietta Georgina 1925 Southampton
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