Search Results
The results of your search in dataset 1. Lists of burials and inscriptions. for the value 'Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945' in field Church / Cemetery
Displaying 1 to 14 of 14 results. | Display results in horizontal format |
| Surname | BEGBIE | Given Names | Matthew Stirling | Death Date | 28 July 1931 | Place of Death | Selaliparai | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | BLEBY | Given Names | Henry Edwin | Death Date | 26 December 1928 | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | CARPENTER | Given Names | Olive Noreen | Death Date | 28 June 1928 | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | COTTON | Given Names | Alfred Christopher | Death Date | 9 March 1939 | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | COTTON | Given Names | Florence Mary | Death Date | 25 January 1941 | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | FRASER | Given Names | Thomas Grant | Death Date | 8 June 1939 | Place of Death | Vancouver | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | HALL | Given Names | Nora Elizabeth | Death Date | 20 July 1929 | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | HOUSE | Given Names | Edward Nelson | Death Date | 3 March 1945 | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | LIGHT | Given Names | Stuart S | Death Date | 15 March 1944 | Place of Death | Uralikal | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | MARSH | Given Names | Gerald Ainsley (Carver) | Death Date | 2 February 1934 | Place of Death | Mount Stewart | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | MARTIN | Given Names | Edward James | Death Date | 14 October 1939 | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | TOPHAM | Given Names | Valerie | Death Date | 30 October 1934 | Place of Death | Sheikalmudi | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | WALSH | Given Names | Elizabeth | Death Date | 29 December 1930 | Place of Death | Waverley Estate | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |
| Surname | WALSH | Given Names | John Otto Knop (Jack) | Death Date | 6 March 1937 | Place of Death | Waverley Estate | Church / Cemetery | Wesleyean Mission Chapel, Valparai, South India 1925-1945 |