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 Inscriptions from various cemeteries not covered by Bacsa's cemetery books

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Date transcribed2017-01-21
Transcribed byBacsa volunteers

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Woodcock" in "Inscriptions from various cemeteries not covered by Bacsa Surname  Woodcock    
Forenames  George William    
Date of death  1830    
Inscription  George William, son of E.H. Woodcock Esqr. Died 6th July 1830, aged 18 days    
View all other items of "Place name" with value "Trichinopoly" in "Inscriptions from various cemeteries not covered by Bacsa Place name  Trichinopoly    
View all other items of "Cemetery" with value "St. John`s" in "Inscriptions from various cemeteries not covered by Bacsa Cemetery  St. John`s    
View all other items of "Province/ State" with value "Tamil Nadu (Madras Presidency)" in "Inscriptions from various cemeteries not covered by Bacsa Province/ State  Tamil Nadu (Madras Presidency)    
View all other items of "Country" with value "India" in "Inscriptions from various cemeteries not covered by Bacsa Country  India    
View all other items of "Source" with value "BACSA CD24" in "Inscriptions from various cemeteries not covered by Bacsa Source  BACSA CD24    
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