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Burials database > 6. Burial data collected by Lt-Col H K Percy-Smith and Brigadier Humphry Bullock.
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 1. Lists of burials and inscriptions.

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Transcribed byRobert Charnock
CommentThe Percy-Smith/Bullock papers contain a large number of lists of burials and inscriptions merged here into a unified database.

Many of the lists may be duplicated by material held by the Society of Genealogists.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "MACNAB" in "1.  Lists of burials and inscriptions." Surname  MACNAB    
Given Names  John Campbell Erskine    
Relationship  4th son    
Deceased Rank  late Lieut    
Deceased Occupation  3rd Bengal Light Cavalry    
Wife/husband/ parents  James Munro & Jane Mary Campbell Macnab Esq    
Husband/ parents occupation  formerly Bengal Civil Service    
Birth  5 June 1838    
Death Date  15 May 1857    
Cause of Death  murdered    
View all other items of "Place of  Death" with value "Meerut" in "1.  Lists of burials and inscriptions." Place of Death  Meerut    
Inscription  John Campbell Erskine Macnab, late Lieut 3rd Bengal Light Cavalry, 4th son James Munro Macnab, Esq., formerly Bengal Civil Service and Jane Mary Campbell his wife, born 5 June 1838, was slain in the Sepoy mutiny at Meerut Sunday 15 May 1857 and was interred with other victims of the sanguinary revolt in the burial ground of the cantonments. By every member of his family he was tenderly beloved and highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him from early childhood. To his dear Memory this tablet has been erected by his bereaved parents.    
View all other items of "Church /  Cemetery" with value "St Johns Church, Meerut" in "1.  Lists of burials and inscriptions." Church / Cemetery  St Johns Church, Meerut    
Source  Typed    
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The data reproduced here was accumulated over many years by Lt-Col Hubert Kendall Percy-Smith (1897-1975) and Brigadier Humphry Bullock (d 1959), both Indian Army officers and keen genealogists intent on collecting biographical data on persons who served in British India. They gathered it from a variety of sources including publications about the sub-continent, church records and of course gravestones, and often received such information from others with similar interests. They also endeavoured to compile service histories and even pedigrees based on the material they had collected. This information is included here but researchers should bear in mind that it may sometimes represent no more than their deductions.

After his retirement Percy-Smith was for a time honorary librarian at the Society of Genealogists, and the greater part of the material collected by him and Bullock is deposited there, including a large card index. However, on his death, Percy-Smith bequeathed the papers still in his possession to the National Army Museum which subsequently donated them to BACSA which in turn has donated them to the British Library to be added to the India Office Private Papers in its custody.

In the meantime BACSA agreed to a proposal from the Families in British India Society (FIBIS) to transcribe the data for posting on both our websites. BACSA as the inheritor of Percy-Smith’s papers owns the copyright in his work, and Brigadier Bullock's daughter, Mrs Anne Macdonald, has generously given permission to publish his. BACSA is grateful to FIBIS and its transcriber Robert Charnock, and to Mrs Macdonald, for making it possible to bring this Percy-Smith/Bullock data to a wider public.
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