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 Scottish Memorial Inscriptions
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Monumental inscriptions in Scotland relating to Europeans in South Asia.
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Scottish memorial inscriptions of people who lived or served in India.
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Displaying 2001 to 2050 of 4316 results

Surname   Forename(s) Click to sort by Forename(s)  Date of death Click to sort by Date of death  Place name Click to sort by Place name 
click to view detail IRVING David (Surgeon) 1820 Rerrick
click to view detail IRVING Edward ? Kirkbean
click to view detail IRVING Ens David 1845 Edinburgh
click to view detail IRVING James Patrick M (inf) 1849 Twynholm
click to view detail IRVING Jane Czarina (wife) 1872 Edinburgh
click to view detail IRVING Katharine Mary (inf) 1872 Edinburgh
click to view detail IRVING Maj James MD (surgeon) 1872 Edinburgh
click to view detail JACK David Morton MD 1890 Girthon
click to view detail JACK James Bruce (bro) 1826 Edinburgh
click to view detail JACK William Bruce 184? Edinburgh
click to view detail JACKSON Capt George Henry 1910 St Andrews
click to view detail JACKSON Captain Randle 1831 St Andrews
click to view detail JACKSON James Nesbitt (son 1832 ) St Andrews
click to view detail JACKSON Maj Gen William 1912 Guthrie
click to view detail JACKSON Sur Gen James R. 1887 Guthrie
click to view detail JACKSON Thomas Charles (son) 1815 St Andrews
click to view detail JACKSON William 1807 St Andrews
click to view detail JACKSON William Hill (son) 1813 St Andrews
click to view detail JAFFRAY Robert 1870 Stirling
click to view detail JAMESON Eliza (wid) 1923 Bonhill
click to view detail JAMESON T.D. ? Bonhill
click to view detail JAMIESON George Inglis ? Inverness
click to view detail JAMIESON Helen Stevenson (wife) ? Edinburgh
click to view detail JAMIESON Jean Ainslie (wid) 1935 Newton
click to view detail JAMIESON Rev Robert George MA 1934 Newton
click to view detail JAMIESON Sir George Inglis KCSI ? Edinburgh
click to view detail JAPP Mary 1889 Aberdeen
click to view detail JARDINE Chas Lionel Maxwell 1916 Buittle
click to view detail JARDINE William 1784 Lochmaben
click to view detail JENKINS William 1879 Aberdeen
click to view detail JENNINGS Elizabeth 1874 Innerwick
click to view detail JENNINGS Ross ? Innerwick
click to view detail JOHNSTON Judge Lewis ? Inverkeithing
click to view detail JOHNSTON Lt Col Patrick 1865 Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON Lt David ? Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON Lt John North 1786 Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON Major ? Kinfauns
click to view detail JOHNSTON Major James 1852 Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON Margaret (wid) 1829 Kinfauns
click to view detail JOHNSTON Mj Laurence of Sands 1883 Culross
click to view detail JOHNSTON Norah No Date Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON Robert 1841 Stirling
click to view detail JOHNSTON Thomas 1891 Stirling
click to view detail JOHNSTON William 1900 Bathgate
click to view detail JOHNSTON Peter A. 1885 Aberdeen
click to view detail JOHNSTON Alexander Laurie 1850 Rerrick
click to view detail JOHNSTON Captain George ? Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON Constance No Date Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON Henry MD 1850 Edinburgh
click to view detail JOHNSTON James 1867 Dunscore
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