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 Scottish Memorial Inscriptions
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Monumental inscriptions in Scotland relating to Europeans in South Asia.
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Scottish memorial inscriptions of people who lived or served in India.
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Displaying 1001 to 1050 of 4316 results

Surname   Forename(s) Click to sort by Forename(s)  Date of death Click to sort by Date of death  Place name Click to sort by Place name 
click to view detail DAVIDSON James inf ?? Aberdeen
click to view detail DAVIDSON John 1875 Aberdeen
click to view detail DAVIDSON Alexander 1876 Aberdeen
click to view detail DAVIDSON Agnes Noble (wid) 1937 Edinburgh
click to view detail DAVIDSON Alexander 1890 Rattray
click to view detail DAVIDSON Alexander 1809 Kilrenny
click to view detail DAVIDSON Alexander (his children) ? Edinburgh
click to view detail DAVIDSON Alexander SSC 1935 Edinburgh
click to view detail DAVIDSON Andrew 1831 Aberdeen
click to view detail DAVIDSON Brig Surg Lt Col Jas 1917 New Deer
click to view detail DAVIDSON Captain George 1810 Kilrenny
click to view detail DAVIDSON Captain John Stewart 1848 Perth
click to view detail DAVIDSON Duncan 1880 Banchory Ternan
click to view detail DAVIDSON Duncan G,G, 1945 Kincardine O`Neil
click to view detail DAVIDSON Helena nee Smith wid 1885 Aberdour
click to view detail DAVIDSON James 1825 Edinburgh
click to view detail DAVIDSON wf Isabella H.WALKER 1922 Aberdeen
click to view detail DAVIE L Corp James Christison MM Croix de Guerre 1920 Montrose
click to view detail DAVIE Major Adam 1812 Edinburgh
click to view detail DAVIE William 1870 Airlie
click to view detail DAVIES Sgt Charles 1941 Edinburgh
click to view detail DAVIS Catherine D.nee FARQUHAR 1861 Perth
click to view detail DAVIS Charles Edward 1843 Perth
click to view detail DAVIS Charles Farquhar 1855 Perth
click to view detail DAVIS Elliot Voyle MD ? Kells
click to view detail DAVIS Katherine M.Maitland (wife) 1856 Kells
click to view detail DAVIS Private James VC 1893 Edinburgh
click to view detail DAWSON Robert 1891 Aberlady
click to view detail DAWSON C.S. ? Drainie
click to view detail DAWSON Henry 1850 Perth
click to view detail DAWSON Melville Helen (wife) 1850 Perth
click to view detail DAWSON Ronald Maurice 1963 Garmouth
click to view detail de LANGE Marie E. (inf) 1879 Edinburgh
click to view detail de MONTMORENCY Anne M.Revell wid 1863 Edinburgh
click to view detail de MONTMORENCY Cap Reymond H. 1847 Edinburgh
click to view detail de MONTMORENCY Maj Reymond H. 1847 Edinburgh
click to view detail De SOUZA Margaret nee Couston 1896 Torryburn
click to view detail DEANS James, MD 1792 North Berwick
click to view detail DEARE Catherine (wife) ? Ceres
click to view detail DEARE Charles Russell 1790 Ceres
click to view detail DEAS Catherine Low 1873 Cupar
click to view detail DEAS Lt Col Alexander 1814 Cupar
click to view detail DELAGARD William ? Ferryden
click to view detail DEMPSTER Charles (surgeon) ? St Andrews
click to view detail DEMPSTER Thomas Erskine (Surg) ? St Andrews
click to view detail DENHOLM Humphrey 1895 Coulter
click to view detail DEWAR Clementina (wid) 1834 Edinburgh
click to view detail DEWAR Helen McRitchie (wife) 1900 North Queensferry
click to view detail DEWAR Ian B.D. 1938 Orrich
click to view detail DEWAR John ? North Queensferry
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