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 Maymyo, Burma
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Maymyo cemetery inscriptions
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Displaying 51 to 100 of 303 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  Forename(s) Click to sort by Forename(s)  Date of death  
click to view detail Sugden Ernest 1907 December 1th
click to view detail Reid Charles 1907 February 12th
click to view detail Berry Frederick 1907 February 20th
click to view detail Stanley John 1907 January 4th
click to view detail Clarke Frederick 1907 July 30th
click to view detail Clarke F. 1907 June 30th
click to view detail Proudfoot Andrew Douglas 1907 March 18th
click to view detail Vincent Louise Sophia 1907 March 29th
click to view detail Harding William Grosvenor 1907 September 22nd
click to view detail Orman   1908 April 23rd
click to view detail King Harry 1908 December 31st
click to view detail Cave Joseph 1908 December 3rd
click to view detail Buche Harry 1908 July 2nd
click to view detail Walsh Hilda Maude 1908 June 22nd
click to view detail Parkin Harold Swifte 1908 March 25th
click to view detail Smith John 1908 October 14th
click to view detail Newburn Joseph 1909 January 3rd
click to view detail Olive Chaloner Cary 1909 July 31st
click to view detail Wright George W. 1909 March 28th
click to view detail Gahan M.A. 1910
click to view detail Unknown Soldier 3   1910
click to view detail Duffin Charles Harry 1910 April 21st
click to view detail Sands Samuel 1910 August 16th
click to view detail Farrel J. 1910 August 3rd
click to view detail Dowling Philip 1910 December 13th
click to view detail Gahan Marie Alexandrine 1910 February 20th
click to view detail McGeoch George Archibald Alexander 1910 July 17th
click to view detail Doyle H. 1910 July 2nd
click to view detail Lawlor Joseph 1910 June 23rd
click to view detail McKinley Margaret 1910 October 22nd
click to view detail Saunders Joseph 1910 September 23rd
click to view detail Bell Frederick Samuel 1911
click to view detail Unknown Soldier 2   1911
click to view detail Unknown Soldier 5   1911
click to view detail Unknown Soldier 6   1911
click to view detail Unknown Soldier 7   1911
click to view detail Boyd James 1911 August 16th
click to view detail Lomasney Edward 1911 August 23rd
click to view detail Neill J. 1911 December 20th
click to view detail Roffey Mary Anne Ellen 1911 July 2nd
click to view detail Orr G.W. 1911 June 13th
click to view detail Bell Frederick Samuel 1911 June 17th
click to view detail Courtenay George 1911 June 23rd
click to view detail Hill Arthur Charles Percival 1911 March 7th
click to view detail Adday Percy Ernest Henry 1911 October 20th
click to view detail Grace Ellen 1912 April 7th
click to view detail Hammett Hilda Etheridge 1912 August 6th
click to view detail Connor James 1912 February 17th
click to view detail Hudson John Harwood 1912 February 3rd
click to view detail Barlow A.E. 1912 June 8th
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