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 Maymyo, Burma
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Maymyo cemetery inscriptions
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Displaying 151 to 200 of 303 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  Forename(s) Click to sort by Forename(s)  Date of death  
click to view detail Homer Edith Henrietta 1921 October 22nd
click to view detail Henry Alexander Allan 1922 April 18th
click to view detail Parr Margaret 1922 April 18th
click to view detail Dennys Hector 1922 April 2nd
click to view detail Beale Bertram Lionel 1922 April 3rd
click to view detail Williams John B. 1922 August 22nd
click to view detail Hall George 1922 December 30th
click to view detail Barron Hilda Maud Winifred 1922 March 25th
click to view detail Richardson Edward 1922 March 26th
click to view detail Hearsey William 1922 November 2nd
click to view detail Chater Elizabeth 1923 September 4th
click to view detail McCann Marguerite Theodora 1924
click to view detail Oliver Laura Mabel 1924 April 19th
click to view detail Whitcombe John Gilbert Ross 1924 April 30th
click to view detail Harrison Major Cecil 1924 November
click to view detail Clarkson R.M. 1925
click to view detail Ranger Philip 1925
click to view detail Walker Herbert Comyn 1925 April 25th
click to view detail Clarkson R.M. 1925 January 7th
click to view detail Reynolds Kate Cockburn 1925 June 28th
click to view detail Parkin Herbert Clarence 1925 October 3rd
click to view detail Baker W. 1926
click to view detail Whitaker William B. 1926 April 19th
click to view detail Freeman John Joseph 1926 April 5th
click to view detail Patrick Richard Martin Forsayeth 1926 August 26th
click to view detail Dawson Sarah 1926 December 10th
click to view detail Baker William 1926 December 13th
click to view detail Gregory Alexander T. 1926 December 6th
click to view detail Manickam Alexis 1926 July 29th
click to view detail Wright Henry A. 1926 May 17th
click to view detail Barnard Nora 1926 October 27th
click to view detail Unknown Soldier 4   1927
click to view detail McDonnell Robert 1927 April 26th
click to view detail Rogers John 1927 August 26th
click to view detail McCheyne Robert 'Bobbie' Clouston 1927 December 13th
click to view detail Walker Henry 1927 June 7th
click to view detail Nixon Bernard Spencer 1927 November 11th
click to view detail Taylor William A.V. 1927 November 27th
click to view detail Davidson Lillian 1927 September 26th
click to view detail Davidson Lillian 1927 September 26th
click to view detail Davidson Alicia Blossom 1927 September 29th
click to view detail Thayer Mary Noss 1928
click to view detail Ould Doris May 1928 13th January
click to view detail Hyde D.O. 1928 April 19th
click to view detail James S. Theodore Rooseveldt 1928 August 26th
click to view detail Douglas Lena 1928 August 5th
click to view detail Dale F.H. 1928 December 8th
click to view detail Thompson A. Harold 1928 February 26th
click to view detail Tice Lilyan (Kiddie) 1928 June 24th
click to view detail Osborne William Henderson 1928 June 5th
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