Burials Database
In the Burials Database you will find a unified index for people buried in European cemeteries in India, South Asia, and elsewhere. This is a work in progress as a small band of volunteers is still at work on the transcription of the indexes into electronic form and uploading them into the database.
Currently you will find the following:
- Indexes to all the burials recorded in Bacsa's 'cemetery record books'. Each book lists identifiable graves in a particular cemetery and the database will show the book's title. Many of the books give more details of the deceased than are listed in this database, sometimes including the full inscriptions on the gravestones.
- Hitherto unpublished details of burials in some individual cemeteries.
- Data on a large number of burials compiled by Lt-Col H K Percy-Smith and Brigadier Humphry Bullock.
- Memorial inscriptions in the United Kingdom and elsewhere relating to persons who lived or served in South Asia.
Some of the fine monuments in Lower Circular Road Cemetery in Kolkata
For a quick overview of what's available in the Burials Database click the headings under BROWSE RECORDS in the menu to the left.